Just add content.

We've got everything else covered.

FACET Services


  • ensure ACCME compliance
  • apply for additional accreditations, such as nursing, psychology, physician assistant, and pharmacy
Program Development
  • provide consultation regarding content
  • define needs assessment
  • determine educational objectives
  • identify educational goals
  • develop educational design and program format
Financial Management
  • budget development
  • vendor contracting
  • tuition and grant management
  • expense disbursement


Site Selection & Contract Negotiations
  • contract with hotels and social venues, both local and national
  • negotiate sleeping room blocks and space requirements
Speaker Recruitment & Coordination
  • faculty communication
  • audio-visual request coordination
  • travel arrangements
  • presentation coordination
  • honoraria payment
  • expense reimbursement
  • ensure speaker compliance with ACCME guidelines
Grant Application Support
  • assure ACCME Commercial Support Standard compliance
  • research and apply for grants from pharmaceutical and medical device companies

Event Marketing & Support

Marketing, Promotion & Publicity
  • design and produce promotional materials including display advertising, brochures, and save-the-date pieces
  • mailing list research
  • website design and management
  • email promotions
  • liaison with printers
  • mailing and distribution management
  • process registrations (mail, fax, email, web, and phone)
  • utilize a secure server for credit card processing
  • nametag and certificate generation
  • workshop attendance tracking
Syllabus Compilation
  • coordinate with speakers for materials
  • check for compliance and arrange for independent reviewers (when necessary)
  • compile syllabi (design and print)
  • coordinate abstract submission and printed compilations


Program Evaluation & Outcomes Assessment
  • analyze participant evaluations
  • provide course directors and speakers with feedback
  • conduct post-activity follow-up to track practice changes
On-Site Services
  • food and beverage oversight
  • audio-visual technician recruitment
  • room set logistics
  • on-site registration services
  • event signage
  • exhibit hall management, including vendor contracting
  • ground transportation and shipping
  • poster session coordination
Social Event Coordination
  • opening and closing banquets
  • welcome receptions
  • faculty dinners
  • accompanying persons tours and activities
  • off-site social activities and educational tours